Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA) BONA Board Meeting Minutes February 21, 2017 @ 5:30 PM

Location: Sakura Restaurant, Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: President: Erich Brashears, VP: Dick Murphy and Members at Large Julie DeCarlo and Michelle Metcalf were present.

Non-resident guest: Matt Stewart, Realtor

Absent: Treasurer: Sunny Bassi, Secretary: Philip McAvoy

Board Items:

  1. Call to Order – @ 5:34pm
  2. Roll Call – Quorum achieved with 5 members present.
  3. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes – Completed
  4. Treasurer’s Report – None; Treasurer not present.  Will send via email to Board.
  5. President’s Report –
  1. a) Social Media/Newsletter update – Erich/Michelle. Erich will send the Monthly Bona Beat Newsletter out by 2/24/17. Michelle created the BONA FB page and will update Nextdoor with any neighborhood happenings.  Julie will invite Kay Swain from RCONA to our Board meeting to discuss the benefits/features of Facebook
  2. b) Website status and upcoming training – Loren Cook will conduct a WordPress training in March at the Library and all Board members are encouraged to take the training.  Dick mentioned his wife Kelley would like to learn WordPress to update RCONA/BONA website.  Julie voiced her opinion to use email as a primary method for communicating to the neighborhood, as not everyone is on Social Media.
  3. c) Ways to involve neighborhood business owners – sell banner space at the bottom of our newsletter for $5 to advertise a business
  4. d) Ideas for newsletter content – Feature a neighbor, pet of the month, athlete of the month, add a RCONA section, City updates, crime report, link to 911, upcoming city events, Easter Egg decorating contest, RCONA Workshops
  5. Old Business – Open board position.
  6. New Business –
  7. a) Erich submitted a facilities request to Roseville School District and have requested a meeting date of March 22nd for our neighborhood meeting at Diamond Creek School.
  8. b) The Board will need to coordinate dates with our potential speakers (FBI) and (Mosquito Vector Control).
  9. c) RCONA has asked all NAs to have a consistent day, time and location for their board meetings. This is actually a Brown Act item. Erich proposed either the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of the month. The Board will respond with their preference.
  10. d) RCONA provided Julie with “Meeting Tips” reminding the Board that a Roseville police officer should be invited to Board meetings
  11. e) Community Event:  Movie in the Park – Mel Hamel was selected…Bona is co-hosting “Finding Dory” on Saturday night, 8/26 along with Westpark and Fiddyment Farms NA’s.  We’re trying to have our entire BONA board at the event if possible so check your calendars and get back to Julie by ASAP
  1. Calendar – Next BONA neighborhood meeting tentatively set for March 22, location at Diamond Creek School
  2. Adjournment – 6:45pm


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

January 25 @ 5:40 PM

Location: Sakura Japanese Restaurant, 1426 Blue Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members President Erich Brashears, Vice President Dick Murphy, Sonny Bassi Treasurer, and Members at Large Julie DeCarlo, and Michelle Metcalf were present.

Board Items:    Welcome and opening of meeting @ 5:40pm.

  1. Roll Call – quorum achieved with five members present.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Sonny distributed copies of US Bank statement. Balance as of December 30 of $1,790.68.
  3. Board members discussed the Facebook web site and possible changes. Michelle Metcaff will head this up.
  4. Board discussed current and future postings on the “Next Door” web site. Michelle Metcaff will be in charge of these posting for now.
  5. Board discussed The Blue Oaks Newsletter format. Erich Brashears will manage this temporarily. The first newsletter will include brief information about the neighbor and the BONA board members.
  6. Board discussed possible guest speakers for the next neighborhood meeting with some suggestions of having a speaker from the new FBI building to inform the neighborhood of their current function and responsibilities. The board also would like Stephen De Jardinais to present an update as to the development at Blue Oaks and Woodcreek Oaks.
  7. It was suggested that the next BONA board meeting will be held late February or early March. As soon as the date is confirmed the board will provide the date. However, the place of the meeting will be at Sakura”s Restaurant.

Meeting adjourned 6:45 pm


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA) BONA Board Meeting Minutes November 30, 2016 @ 5:30 PM

Location: Sakura Restaurant, Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: President Erich Brashears, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Secretary Philip McAvoy, and Members at Large Julie DeCarlo and Michelle Metcalf were present.

Board Items: 1. Call to Order – @ 5:46pm 2. Roll Call – Quorum achieved with 5 members present. 3. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes – Completed. 4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer declared ending balance as of November 30 of $1,790.68. Treasurer reported a receipts binder would be available by January of 2017. 5. President’s Report – 1. Board discussed newsletter distribution and a few issues with delivery 2. Discussion of the Open Board position will occur at a later date. 3. Board discussed holiday home decorating contest with sign & gift card to winner. Board discussed dates and times for judging and how residents can register. 6. Old Business – None discussed. 7. New Business – 1. Board discussed movie & location options for RCONA Movie in the Park 2017. 2. Ms. DeCarlo to attend RCONA Open House on December 8. 8. Calendar – Next BONA neighborhood meeting set for February 21, location to be determined. 9. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned 7:00pm


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

November 2, 2016 @ 5:30 PM

Location: Sakura Restaurant, Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: President Erich Brashears, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Secretary Philip McAvoy, and Members at Large Julie DeCarlo and Dick Murphy were present.

Board Items:

  1. Call to Order – @ 5:38pm
  2. Roll Call – Quorum achieved with 5 members present.
  3. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes – Completed.
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer distributed bank statement with ending balance as of October 31 of $1,790.68. The address for the statements was changed to the Treasurer’s address. The new President & new Vice President were now the names on the US Bank BONA account.
  5. President’s Report
    1. Santa Route on 12/6
    2. Roster updated with RCONA

Board discussed RCONA meeting of October 20.

  1. Open board position

Board discussed recruiting open position

  1. Communication to neighbors update

Board discussed social media outlets for future messaging


  1. Old Business – Board discussed the Roseville Automall turkey drive


  1. New Business – Board discussed advertising; ideas for BONA activities including new turkey drive, BBQs, Santa photos, Super Bowl, etc.


  1. Calendar – Next BONA Board meeting set for December 30 at 5:30.
  2. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned 6:55pm


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting

October 12, 2016 Meeting Minutes

By Sunny Bassi/Treasurer

Location: Sakura Sushi, Blue Oaks, Roseville CA 95747

Present at Meeting: President Erich Brashears, VP Dick Murphy, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Members at Large Michelle Metcalf and Julie Bowen.


Call to Order – 5:54

  1. Roll Call : Secretary Philip McAvoy absent, Treasurer Sunny Bassi taking meeting minutes
  2. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes – Approved
  3. Treasurer’ Report
    1. Current Financials – Treasurer did not have statements for account for review but indicated no activity from previous meeting other than $100.00 disbursement for donation to Robbie Gray Family for help with financial hardship. Will update Board at October Meeting.
    2. Changing signers on account – removal of David Larson former President from account and adding Dick Murphy VP as additional signer along with Sunny Bassi Treasure who has been on the accounts. Also change address on statements to Sunny Bassi’s address.


  1. President’s Report
    1. Communication to neighbors
      1. Nextdoor, Facebook, Newletter – discussion about delivery and time frames
      2. Research other different delivery methods : Mail Chimp service costs
  • Adding new sections to newsletter – we discussed different new topics such as

Did you know? Section, Spot Lighting Neighbors, Adding school announcements to newsletter.

  1. RCONA meeting attendance (rotation)
    1. It’s on 3rd Thursday of every month – Julie is attending
    2. Turkey Drive – We are going to wait for Placer Food Bank to reach out to us.
  2. Old Business
    1. Neighborhood Meeting Feedback – Low turnout
    2. Brunch for David Larson – We will invited David to a Meeting for Brunch and Thank You for his service as Former President of BONA.
    3. Connect with Jana/City regarding traffic concerns on Woodcreek/Parkside – options to make it safer for pedestrians. Lots of near misses with cars and pedestrians.
  3. New Business
    1. Family Fun Night 10/27 6-8:30 pm – Vernon Street by the City
    2. 7th Board Member Toni will be interviewed by Dick and Erich.
    3. First newsletter – put newsletter on hold until we revamp it and re-launch it.
  4. Calendar
    1. Next Board meeting – Nov 2. 2016 at 5:30 pm Sakura Sushi on Blue Oaks Blvd. Roseville CA
    2. Figure out a date for Next Board Meeting
  5. Action Items
    1. Email a photo of Self to Michelle
    2. Dick will get copy of email list for safe keeping.


Meeting Minutes

Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2016 @ 6:00 PM

Location: La Provence, 110 Diamond Creek Pl, Roseville, CA 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members President David Larson (last meeting), Vice President Erich Brashears, and Members at Large Julie DeCarlo, Dick Murphy, and Michelle Metcalf were present.

Board Items: Welcome and opening of meeting @ 6:10pm.

  1. Roll Call – quorum achieved with five members present.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – David and board members review US Bank statement. Balance as of Aug 30 of $1,890.68.
  3. Minutes from August meeting were approved.
  4. August Minutes have been posted to RCONA.
  5. Steering Committee update from Erich – no updates from committee.
  6. BONA Neighborhood Meeting and Elections 9-28-16 at 7pm reviewed bylaws for election format.
  7. Ron Severson is confirmed for 9-28-16 at Diamond Creek School. David will send RCONA (Sue) an email indicating the BONA will do a voice vote; no need for RCONA to facilitate. Confirmed Julie DeCarlo will provide refreshments at the meeting. Erich will follow up with Cecilia McAdams on Measure M improvements to make a presentation.
  8. Latest BONA Email List forwarded to Erich Brashears from David Larson.
  9. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on XXXXXX at 6pm at XXXXXX

Meeting adjourned 7:57pm


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

August 18, 2016 @ 5:00 PM

Location: Round Table Restaurant, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members President David Larson, Vice President Erich Brashears, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Secretary Philip McAvoy, and Members at Large Dick Murphy and Michelle Metcalf were present.

Board Items:   Welcome and opening of meeting @ 5:15pm.

  1. Roll Call – quorum achieved with six members present.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – copies of US Bank statement distributed. Balance as of July 29, 2016 of $1,743.68. A previously approved expense of $60.19 for a shade canopy was noted.
  3. Minutes from July meeting were approved
  4. July Minutes have been posted to RCONA.
  5. Schools Steering Committee – no updates from committee.
  6. Board discussed NNO feedback, attendance, vendor payments and publicity.
  7. Board discussed that the elections set for Sept 28 at 7pm at Diamond Creek School. School to confirm room availability. Board approved requesting RCONA to facilitate. Board reviewed Bylaws for noticing.
  8. Board discussed school district administrator Ron Severson speaking at September meeting.
  9. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on September 7, 2016 at 6pm at the Round Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks.

Meeting adjourned 6:51pm

Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2016 @ 6:00 PM

Location: Round Table Restaurant, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members President David Larson, Vice President Erich Brashears, Secretary Philip McAvoy, and Members at Large Julie DeCarlo, Dick Murphy, and Michelle Metcalf were present.

Board Items:   Welcome and opening of meeting @ 6:09pm.

  1. Roll Call – quorum achieved with six members present.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – David distributed copies of US Bank statement. Balance as of June 30 of $1,803.87.
  3. Minutes from June meeting were approved
  4. June Minutes have been posted to RCONA.
  5. Schools Steering Committee – no updates from committee.
  6. Board discussed NNO vendors.
  7. Board members discussed NNO planning activities, including Philip to bring zip ties, bungees & folding table; David to bring banner; Michelle to bring cash box; Eric to bring easy up & raffle tickets; Julie to bring receipt book. Vendors begin to arrive 5pm. Dick & Eric to arrive at 5pm to help set up. Dick, Philip & Sunny to rove & assist as needed. Michelle & Julie to handle registration table.
  8. Board discussed elections. Set for Sept 28 at 7pm at Diamond Creek School. Board approved asking RCONA to facilitate and for the election format to be ballot designated.
  9. Board discussed school bond. Eric to reach out to school district admin.
  10. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on August 10, 2016 at 6pm at the Round Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks.

Meeting adjourned 7:57pm

Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

June 14, 2016 @ 6:00 PM

Location: Round Table Restaurant, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members President David Larson, Vice President Erich Brashears, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Secretary Philip McAvoy, and Member at Large Julie DeCarlo and Dick Murphy were present. Neighbor Michelle Metcalf also attended.

Board Items:   Welcome and opening of meeting @ 6:08pm.

  1. Roll Call – quorum achieved with six members present.
  2. Treasurer’s Report –Sunny distributed copies of US Bank statement. Deposit in May increased ending balance as of May 31, 2016 to $1,803.87. Board discussed adding another Board member name to account.
  3. Minutes from May meeting were approved and have been posted to RCONA.
  4. Board discussed BONA Garage Sale results. Board discussed using PayPal next year for both payments and registration.
  5. RCONA meeting in June to be attended by Philip.
  6. Board discussed the New High School Steering Committee and the upcoming Bond Measure to increase school capital funds. David to follow up with school superintendent about him speaking at upcoming BONA neighborhood meeting.
  7. Board discussed NNO in 2016. Veterans Park has been reserved. Food, entertainment and vendors will be needed. The purchase by a Board member of a pop-up umbrella to be used at this and similar events was authorized up to $80.
  8. Board discussed a request for a donation from a Diamond Creek area 4th of July parade sponsor. A motion was made to approve a $100 donation, but a second was not made and the motion failed.
  9. Board heard presentation from neighbor Michelle Metcalf on her background and interest in joining the BONA Board as a Member at Large. After her departure, the Board unanimously approved her appointment to the BONA Board.
  10. Board discussed next BONA Board election to be held at Diamond Creek Elementary School on September 13 at 7pm.
  11. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on July 12, 2016 at 6pm at the Round Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks.

Meeting adjourned 7:41pm

Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

May 4, 2016 @ 5:30 PM

Location: Round Table Restaurant, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members President David Larson, Vice President Erich Brashears, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Secretary Philip McAvoy, and Julie DeCarlo were present.

Board Items:

  1. Welcome and opening of meeting @ 5:41pm.
  2. Roll Call – quorum achieved with four members present at roll call.
  3. Treasurer’s Report –Sunny distributed copies of US Bank statement. No activity in April and an ending balance as of April 29, 2016 of $1,481.77. Board discussed having BONA added to bank statement, instead of just RCONA.
  4. Minutes from March meeting approved.
  5. Prior meeting minutes have been posted to
  6. RCONA meeting in June to be attended by Erich.
  7. Board discussed the New High School Steering Committee and was informed of possible ballot measure.
  8. Board discussed BONA Garage Sale scheduled for May 21 at 7am. Board discussed using PayPal for $5 registration fee. No coordinated charity pick up of items. David distributed flyer. Outreach via Next Door, Facebook and email. Deadline to register is May 19.
  9. Board discussed possible BONA activities and continued item until next meeting.
  10. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on June 14, 2016 at 6pm at the Round Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks.

Meeting adjourned 6:22pm

Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

March 29, 2016 @ 6:00 PM

Location: Round Table Restaurant, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members President David Larson, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Secretary Philip McAvoy, Members at Large Dick Murphy and Julie DeCarlo were present.

Board Items:

  1. Welcome and opening of meeting @ 6:06pm.
  2. Roll Call – quorum achieved with five members present.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – David distributed copies of US Bank statement. No activity in February and an ending balance as of February 29, 2016 of $1,481.77.
  4. Minutes from February meeting approved.
  5. February meeting minutes have been posted to
  6. Board discussed rotating members to the RCONA meetings.
  7. Board was informed that there is no update from the New High School Steering Committee.
  8. Board discussed possible BONA activities in 2016, including fundraising for an ill resident and the BONA Garage Sale. Garage Sale scheduled for May 21 at 7am. Residents to pay $5 to participate. Charity to provide list of eligible donation items and confirm capability to remove all such items on May 21.
  9. Board discussed the elections occurring in September and the National Night Out in August.
  10. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on May 4, 2016 at the Round Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks at 5:30pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:42pm

Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

February 24, 2016 @ 6:00 PM
Location: Round Table Restaurant, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members President David Larson, Secretary Philip McAvoy, Members at

Large Dick Murphy and Julie DeCarlo were present. Board Items:

  1. Welcome and opening of meeting @ 6:14pm.
  2. Roll Call – quorum achieved with four members present.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – David distributed copies of US Bank statement. No activity in January andan ending balance as of January 29, 2016 of $1,481.77.
  4. Minutes from January 13 meeting approved.
  5. January 26 meeting minutes have been posted to
  6. Board accepted resignation of Andres Ordaz and discussed finding a replacement.
  7. Board discussed the rotation of Board members attending RCONA Board meetings.
  8. Board discussed that an update from the New High School Steering Committee is expected atthe next BONA Board meeting.
  9. Board discussed expected communication standards among Board members.
  10. Board discussed possible BONA activities in 2016, including a 4th of July parade, an Easter egghunt, and Creek Week clean up, in addition to previous year’s events.
  11. Board discussed the proper use of the BONA email list when conveying crime-related incidents.
  12. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on March 29, 2016 at theRound Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks at 6:00pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:12pm

Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)
Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
January 26, 2016 @ 7:00 PM
Location: Diamond Creek Elementary School, Roseville, California 95747
Board members present at Meeting: President David Larson, Vice President Eric Brashears, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Secretary Philip McAvoy, Members at Large, Dick Murphy, and Julie DeCarlo were present.
1. Welcome and Board member introductions by Mr. Larson @ 7:06pm.
2. Mr. Larson thanked Julie DeCarlo from State Farm for providing refreshments.
3. Roseville Police Update: Lt. Screeton discussed the 3 highest crime issues in BONA, including garage doors being left open, valuable being taken from unlocked cars, and delivered parcels being stolen from front porches. Sgt. Buelow described the 3 current most popular illegal drugs as marijuana, meth, and heroin.
4. The new Roseville Fire Chief Rick Bartee was introduced. The Chief described his background.
5. The new Roseville City Manager Rob Jensen was introduced. Mr. Jensen described his background of many years of City service. Mr. Jenson answered questions and updated the audience on many City activities including the City Council Goals workshop, improvement efforts in older neighborhoods, the new parking garage and Sierra College building in downtown, the FBI and Top Golf projects, the Campus Oaks project, the soccer complex partnership with Placer Valley Tourism, water supply issues, Placer Ranch and the university plan, speed control in the neighborhoods and Blue Oaks Blvd, and the Placer Parkway Hwy 65 to Hwy 99 project.
6. Mr. Larson announced that his 14 years of BONA activities were coming to an end this year and he has provided a copy of the BONA email list to Eric Brashears for safe keeping as our VP of BONA and supporting him to taking over as President of BONA.
Meeting adjourned 8:30pm


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2016

Location: Round Table Pizza, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd., Roseville, CA 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members, President, David Larson, Vice-President Erich Brashears, Treasurer Sonny Bassi, Members at Large, Julie DeCarlo and Dick Murphy were present.

Board Items:
Welcome and opening of the meeting at 6:08pm.
Roll Call-quorum achieved with five members present.
Approval of the December 2, 2015 meeting minutes was confirmed to be posted at
Treasurer’s Report-Sonny Bassi provided an update with a starting balance of $1,010.00 on 1/1/2015 and as of 12/31/2015 of $1,481.77 which included $100.00 reimbursement from a vendor.
Fundraiser results-The Turkey Drive met its goal of 1,000 turkeys and the St. Vincent DePaul coat drive accumulated 54 coats of the goal of 108.
Announcements-The BONA email list has been transferred to Vice-President Eric Brashears. Michelle Metcalf spoke to David Larson regarding participating on the BONA board and was informed that all the board positions are filled at this time. April Marskell also inquired regarding her possible participation on the board through community service. She was also declined due to the board being full.
Next Neighborhood Meeting-The next neighborhood meeting will be held at Diamond Creek Elementary School on January 26, 2016 at 7pm. Our guests will be Rob Jensen, Roseville City Manager and Rick Bartee, Roseville Fire Chief. Mr. Jenson will provide a state of affairs for the city. We have also requested that the new neighborhood police officer be present so the neighbors may meet him/her. Board member Julie DeCarlo will be the sponsor of this meeting by providing baked goods for the meeting.
RHSB Steering Committee-Eric Brashears has volunteered to be on this committee and will provide the board with quarterly updates of those meetings.
Miscellaneous-The board discussed a plan for community activities for 2016. It was decided to brainstorm ideas to be submitted at the next board meeting. The date of the next board meeting will be determined after the neighborhood meeting on January 26, 2016.
Meeting adjourned at 7:08pm.


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

December 2, 2015 @ 6:00 PM
Location: Round Table Restaurant, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members: Vice President Eric Brashears, Treasurer Sunny Bassi,

Secretary Philip McAvoy, Members at Large, Dick Murphy, and Julie DeCarlo were present. Board Items:

  1. Welcome and opening of meeting @ 6:00pm.
  2. Roll Call – quorum achieved with five members present.
  3. Board heard presentation from St Vincent De Paul Society President Karl Thompson on theircharitable activities. Board agreed to assist in collecting new or lightly used and cleaned coats from BONA neighbors on Dec 13 and provide to SVP by Dec 15. David Larson to be requested by Eric to send out multiple announcements to BONA members via email.
  4. Landfill Odor Workshop – Eric reported on his attendance at the recent workshop. Board members agreed that the number of days of noticeable odor has reduced in recent years.
  5. January 26 BONA neighborhood meeting – Rob Jensen from City of Roseville to speak
  6. Eric reported on RCONA meeting, including their request to have one rep at the Fire Station 9Open House in 2016, a RCINA potluck, City Council goals for 2016, drought regulations, and theneed for Commissioners on the City’s Public Utilities Commission.
  7. Santa – Board discussed Neighborhood Santa visiting BON on Dec 17.
  8. Sunny provided a Treasurer’s update with starting balance last month of $1,381.77, added $100from RCONA for the NNO event, and an ending balance of $1,481.77.
  9. School committee – Eric reported that there has been no contact with the Roseville Joint UnionHigh School District’s regarding the new high school Steering Committee.
  10. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on January 13, 2016 at the

Round Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks at 6:00pm.

Meeting adjourned 7:05pm


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA) BONA Board Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2015 @ 6:00 PM
Location: Round Table Restaurant, 9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd. Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members: President, David Larson, Vice President Eric Brashears, Treasurer Sunny Bassi, Secretary Philip McAvoy, Members at Large, Dick Murphy, Julie DeCarlo, and Andres Ordaz were present.
Board Items:
1. Welcome and opening of meeting @ 6:11pm.
2. Sunny provided a Treasurer’s update. Board discussed and approved reimbursing the NNO bounce house for $150, a donation to the Gray family of $100, and requesting a $100 reimbursement from RCONA for hosting the NNO.
3. Turkey Trot – Board discussed members participating in the City’s Turkey Trot, and designing and providing BONA running shirts to community members. Andres and Eric to investigate shirt costs and sponsors.
4. Board approved a request from St Vincent De Paul Society to help with a coat, toy, and food donation drive. Board discussed drop off locations and pick up options for donations.
5. Dick and Eric were appointed to represent BONA to the Roseville Joint Union High School
District’s new high school Steering Committee.
6. Board discussed the timing and potential speakers at the next BONA neighborhood meeting in early 2016.
7. Board discussed the announcement that the Placer Ranch project had lost financing.
8. David announced that the BONA email list was up to 1,600, and has been backed up.
9. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on December 2, 2015 at the
Round Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks at 6:00pm. Meeting adjourned 7:15pm.




Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2015

6:00 PM


Location of Meeting:

Round Table Restaurant

9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd.

Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members: President, David Larson, Treasure Sunny Bassi, Secretary Phil McAvoy, Members at Large, Dick Murphy, Julie DeCarlo, and Andres Ordaz were present.

  1. Welcome and opening of meeting.
  1. BONA National Night Out Summary.
  1. The event was a success even though there were fewer participants than last year’s event.
  2. In the future we will be adding all business names to the participants list for clarity. There were a few no-shows and one vendor still owes their $25.00 fee.
  3. The board members decided that the following items need to be used at the next NNO; A BONA banner for the BONA booth, an easy-up for the BONA booth, more Facebook notices needed to obtain more outreach to the neighborhood.
  1. Treasurer’s Report as Sunny Bassi, BONA Treasurer presented the report. As of the above date there is $1,606.77 in the BONA account. A check for $150.00 will be dispersed to Blue Oaks Dental for the boards shared cost of the Bounce House rental for NNO.
  1. Discussed the need for the board members to volunteer to support RCONA Movies in the Park at Veterans Park (North) on August, 22, 2015. David Larson, Julie DeCarlo, and Sunny Bassi will represent the board for that event.
  1. Signatures for the new BONA board members on Ethics were collected by David Larson from the new board members. These will be forwarded to RCONA.
  1. Planning and topics for the next neighborhood meeting were discussed. Some of the items discussed were; Landfill odors, Burglar false alarms, Host issues, etc. The board decided to bring more topics and information to the next board meeting for further discussion. It was also determined that there wouldn’t be another neighborhood meeting until next year


  1. Reviewed and discussed the proposed amendments to the RCONA bylaws. All BONA Board Members unanimously agreed that we will vote no on the proposed changes to the bylaws.


  1. It was determined that the next BONA board meeting will be held on October 14, 2015 at the Round Table Pizza restaurant on Blue Oaks at 6:00pm.

Meeting adjourned 8:03pm.


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

July 7, 2015

6:00 PM

Location of Meeting:

Round Table Restaurant

9055 Woodcreek Oaks Blvd.

Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members: President, David Larson, Vice President, Erich Brashears, Members at Large, Dick Murphy and Julie DeCarlo.

1. Welcome and opening of meeting.

2. 5/30/15 BONA Neighborhood Garage Sale

a. David collected a total of $260.00 from 52 neighbor/participants.
b. St. Vincent De Paul was unable to pick up items from all registered homes due to the large number of participants. Also some unsold items were unacceptable for donation to St. Vincent De Paul.
c. Unregistered participants adversely impacted the $5 donation collection and St. Vincent De Paul’s collection process.
d. David recommended that two volunteers be delegated to collect the $5 donation next year.
e. Erich suggested that participants submit their $5 donation prior to the event in exchange for registration.
f. Julie suggested pre-printed receipts and to provide a list of nearby donation centers in lieu of providing collection of unsold items.

3. There was no Treasurer’s Report as Sunny Bassi, BONA Treasurer was absent.

4. Discussed two BONA Board candidates, Philip McAvoy and Andres Ordaz. Both were unanimously approved! Erich stated that Philip McAvoy previously expressed interest in holding the position of BONA Board Secretary.

5. Reviewed and discussed the proposed, amended RCONA bylaws.

a. All BONA Board Members unanimously agreed that the amendments need further explanation and justification from RCONA prior to voting/implementation. All agreed that the amendments contain ambiguous language that needs to be rectified.
b. David stated that there is no explanation or specified agenda from the by-law committee. He remains opposed to these changes.
c. Erich stated that he is not prepared to vote in favor of the changes without further justification that the changes are necessary.
d. Dick stated that there is no need for change and that the changes are not in accordance with the original RCONA by-laws which have served our neighborhoods well since the inception of RCONA.
e. Julie agreed that the changes need to be explained, clarified and justified prior to voting.

6. 8/6/15 National Night Out

a. David registered North Veteran’s Park for this event.
b. David secured Chando’s Tacos as the sole food vendor. In addition to Chando’s, a strictly dessert vendor is acceptable but has not been secured.
c. We need to locate a DJ and entertainment. Previous entertainer’s will be contacted.
d. All agreed to a $25 fee or $25 raffle prize per vendor regardless of connection to a BONA Board Member. Goal is to have 40 vendors. Raffle tickets will cost $1.00.
e. Volunteers are needed for fee collection.
f. Erich volunteered to arrange the BONA tables and to emcee the raffle.
g. David will collect raffle prizes and fees.
h. Dick will obtain water and ice.

7. Discussed topics for the next neighborhood meeting (date TBD…late September/early October). Odor from the landfill is a possible topic. Successful meeting attendance is likely attributed to having provocative topics of interest to most neighbors.

8. The next BONA Board Meeting is scheduled on August 19th, 6-7:30 PM at the Crocker Ranch Round Table. One agenda item will be to finalize the date for the next BONA Neighborhood Meeting.

Meeting adjourned 7:38 PM.


Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)
BONA Board Meeting Minutes
May 27, 2105
8:25 PM

Location of Meeting:
La Provence Restaurant
110 Diamond Woods Place
Roseville, California 95747

Present at Meeting: Board Members: President, David Larson, Treasurer, Sunny Bassi, Secretary, Andria Black, Members at Large, Julie DeCarlo and Dick Murphy.

Meeting held after the conclusion of BONA Neighborhood General Meeting

1. Welcome and Opening of Meeting/Approval of Minutes 5/8/15

2. Treasurer’s Report-Sunny Bassi, BONA Treasurer
a. $191 check cut for 20 signs for garage sale, approved by board at 5/6/15 meeting
b. Sunny has been added as a signer on the BONA checking account

3. Garage Sale Update and Action Items
a. 80 participating neighbors for the garage sale, the largest number BONA has had
b. The deadline given to neighbors is tomorrow, Friday, May 29 4:00 PM to register
c. Map and address will be provided of participants
d. Gates will be open for neighbors participating in Long Meadow and surrounding streets for the day.
e. Andria has called over 15 charities to arrange pickup of any remaining items, but none of those contacted could do it on the weekend. I have been asking via email for any ideas of charities who might be able to pick up these donations.
f. Sunny and Andria will look at map tomorrow to determine where best place to put signs.
i. Major intersections of Blue Oaks and Woodcreek, Blue Oaks and Diamond Creek Blvd. Woodcreek and Parkside and Blue Oaks and Crocker Ranch are some that are slated for signs, others will lead people toward clusters of participants
g. Sunny and Andria agreed signs will need to put in city approved areas as well as picked up in a timely manner after the sale is complete
h. David will visit those registered to collect $5 fee and provide receipts the morning of the sale

4. No other Board business discussed. Next meeting date for BONA General Neighborhood Meeting and BONA Board Meeting to be determined

Meeting Closed 8:59 p.m.




Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)
BONA Neighborhood General Meeting Minutes
May 27, 2015
6:30-8:00 PM

Location of Meeting:
La Provence Restaurant
110 Diamond Creek Place
Roseville, California 95747

Meeting hosted by: Stephen Des Jardin, BBC Blue Oaks, LLC

Present at Meeting: Board Members: President, David Larson, Treasurer, Sunny Bassi, Secretary, Andria Black, Members at Large, Dick Murphy and Julie DiCarlo. Guest speakers Stephen Des Jardins, Gina Garbolini, Former Mayor and Independent Consultant
David opened Meeting at 6:36 PM on May 27, 2015
Room by David Larson, BONA Board President

1. David Larson welcomed Attendees and Speakers
A. Welcome of BONA neighborhood members and guests. Thanked Stephen Des Jardins for hosting and providing food and refreshments

2. Introduction of Sergeant Kelby Newton, Roseville City Police Department, Investigations Division

A. Crime Report Beat 6, Sergeant Kelby Newton
B. Catalytic Converter crime is still a problem. The Police Department has been working on this issue for some time and it is difficult to track. They currently have 12 investigations open in Roseville. Cars who are easier to steal and/or are highly sought from Toyota trucks, Dodge Rams, Toyota Sequoias, mostly because they are easier to get under them.
C. Tips to help avoid thefts
1) If possible, keep car in garage
2) Roseville City Police started a partnership some time ago with local dealerships such as Roseville Toyota, Bill McAnally Racing, Roseville Auto Mall Dodge to etch the converters for free. This service is available any day of the year
3) Personal property left in vehicles left in vehicles leads to theft. Recommend to your neighbors to take all personal belongings out of the vehicle. Sergeant shared information about a vehicle distributed of a man scoping out cars and moving to another one when there was nothing visible to take

3. Stephen Des Jardins, Presentation of Hewlett Packard (HP)/Campus Oaks Master Plan
A. Stephen has been in a developer in Roseville for 29 years. Projects include Diamond Creek, Blue Oaks Marketplace, as well as several others in Roseville, Rocklin, Auburn
B. The Hewlett Packard Campus Oaks is a plan and proposal for mixed used including, commercial (currently zoned commercial), residential, industrial 375 acres, to include the HP current campus, located between Foothills and Woodcreek Oaks Blvd
C. Project plan is for HP having an open campus, similar to Google or Ebay, where there is a relationship between HP employees and community. It provides opportunity for housing, retail, restaurants, and recreation. Elements of the projects further the Sacramento Region and Roseville’s Blueprint implementation Strategies through the following principles.
1) Employment Center which is the largest part of the Master plan
2) Residential Neighborhoods, including low, medium and high density attached and detached housing types to support its employees and other businesses employees
3) Town center which will include commercial, office and high density residential where residents, employees and other can shop, eat, obtain services
4) Green Network of parks, paseos, open spaces and active tree-lined streetscapes for active and passive recreation opportunities including potential soccer field
5) Mobility Systems which connect networks of pedestrians and bicycle friendly streets, paths, sidewalks
6) Urban Design that encourages innovation and creative building, landscape site designs
7) Resource Conservation measures are an important part of this plan, including compact land use pattern, multi modal mobility systems, solar powered homes, electric vehicle charging stations, recycled water for irrigation
8) Financial mechanisms necessary to maintain an economically self-sufficient plan that provides a positive contribution to the City’s General Fund

4. HP has planted their roots here in our community in Roseville and has recently acquired a major network company, Aruba Networks. An open campus plan such as this is an important factor in maintaining its presence in the community

6. Q&A
A. What is a time table for beginning and ending project?
i. First step is the completion of the road HP Way (See Plan for detail). Once the City of Roseville gets on board with the plan, they can begin the process. HP would like to have the road in by the end of the year. In 2016, other roads and structure would come. Roseville City has been working closely to approve initial stage of plan
ii. The first 5 years like in Diamond Creek is the most significant amount of development to take place
B. How will this impact the traffic? This project should have minimal traffic on traffic particularly on Woodcreek Oaks, North of Blue Oaks Blvd.
C. What as BONA neighbors can we do to help this? Write and express your interest to the Roseville City Council
D. How will this increase the population of high school age kids for a possible new high school? This will have impact on that decision as it is projected that 64 kids will be of high school age when the plan is implemented as 948 homes is the estimated number of homes to built in HPCO
E. Stephen provided handouts prior to speaking and an inquiry form to turn in to be kept updated on the project.

6. Gina Garbolino, Independent Consultant and Former Roseville City Mayor
A. Gina Garbolino provided a brief history of Roseville, as a 17,000 railroad town in 1969, and when HP came to Roseville in the 1980’s, it was a major engine that fueled economic growth to our region. HP in Roseville is essential to the economic well-being of Roseville. HPCO plan is an economic and development project. This is one of the great infill projects that will provide benefit not only to HP, but to our neighborhood and the city economically.

7. David Larson thanked Stephen Des Jardin and Gina Garbolino for their presentations

8. Reminded attendees BONA Garage Sale
Taking place this Saturday, May 30 from 7:00 am – 1:00 pm, with over 80 registered participants thus far, BONA’s largest total thus far. Maps and addresses will be provided via email to BONA residents. Last date to register is 5/29 at 4:00 pm

9. Special Acknowledgement of Andria Black
A. David called Andria Black up to the front of the room, and announced she is resigning and her last day of will be May 30, 2015. He acknowledged and thanked her for serving as BONA Secretary for the past 4 years

10. Acknowledgement of attendees and guests speakers
A. David Larson acknowledged attendees everyone, and thanked them for attending and read the BONA Mission Statement

Meeting Adjourned 8:17 p.m.




Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Board Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2015

8:30 PM


Location of Meeting:

Diamond Creek Elementary Multipurpose Room

3151 Hopscotch Way

Roseville, California 95747


Present at Meeting: Board Members: President, David Larson, Vice-President, Erich Brashears, Treasurer, Sunny Bassi, Secretary, Andria Black, Member At Large, John McEldowney, BONA Advisor, Alex Dyer. Members not present: New Elected Member at Large, Doug Kim. Unaware of Meeting as a newly elected member. Quorum is established.

Meeting was called to order at 8:20 PM on March 25, 2015 at Diamond Creek Elementary Multipurpose

Room by David Larson, BONA Board President


  1. Motion to Approve Minutes previous meeting

David raised a motion to approve meeting minutes from October 16, 2014. (Meeting from 1/24/15 was delayed due to RCONA taking meeting time unexpectedly)

Motion carried


  1. Compliance with the BONA Bylaws

Discussion of major points going forward we need to be comply with as a board is

  1. Holding of regular monthly Board meetings
  2. Holding of quarterly (minimum) general meetings
  3. Holding of elections at set intervals according to BONA bylaws

All members are in agreement


  1. Action Items requiring attention
  2. David stated that he has transitioned the email to not include business email header. Next step is to transition it to Constant Contact for a newsletter format. Alex Dyer, BONA Advisor is heading that project up as a service to the board
  3. John made a motion to recommend that the BONA Board separate from RCONA. Motion is tabled for further discussion at an upcoming meeting
  4. David will notify Doug Kim that we could not stop him in time to notify him of the meeting before he left. Will contact by email.


  1. No report/updates given from Treasurer, Sunny Bassi


  1. Next Board Meeting Date: April 8, 2015 6:30 PM. Location to be determined


  1. Motion to Adjourn Meeting

Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned 8:39 PM


Minutes submitted by: Andria Black, BONA Board Secretary




Blue Oaks Neighborhood Association (BONA)

BONA Neighborhood General Meeting Minutes

March 25, 2015

6:30-8:00 PM


Location of Meeting:

Diamond Creek Elementary Multipurpose Room

3151 Hopscotch Way

Roseville, California 95747


Present at Meeting: Board Members: President, David Larson, Vice-President, Erich Brashears, Treasurer, Sunny Bassi, Secretary, Andria Black, Members At Large, April Marskell, John McEldowney;

RCONA Board Members, Treasurer, Mark Smith, Secretary, Sue Cook, Member At Large, Scott Alvord;

John Tallman, Bill Halldin of Westpark Communities; Robert Dugan Of Sacramento State University, Interim Director of Governmental And Civic Affairs; Sergeant Mark Brazeal, Beat 6, City of Roseville Police, other City of Roseville Police Officers (not named); Department, Jana Cervantes, Sr. Engineer, Roseville Public Works Department


David opened Meeting at 6:45 PM on March 25, 2015 at Diamond Creek Elementary Multipurpose

Room by David Larson, BONA Board President


  1. David Larson welcomed Attendees And Speakers

Welcome of BONA Members, Guests and Guest Speakers and Representatives. Thanked Erich

Brashears with Raymond James for providing refreshments


  1. David Larson introduced Mark Smith, Treasurer for RCONA

Introduced Mark Smith to provide guidelines and introduction of candidates for BONA Board

Members taking place at the meeting


  1. Mark Smith

Introduction Of Candidates For BONA Board Positions

Introduction of candidates and positions and deadline time for submitting a ballot 7:30 PM


  1. Sergeant Mark Brazeal, Roseville City Police Department

Crime Update For Beat 6

Provided background of State Proposition 47. Change in law effects crime in the City of Roseville.

More former offenders of crime on the street as a result of change in laws, therefore more crime.

-Citywide, residential burglaries up 33%.

-Auto theft up drastically in our beat.

Responsibilities as cititzen-1st job: Prevention is the biggest deterrent. Locks windows, lock and

close doors, side garage doors, and sliding glass doors. Don’t leave car doors unlocked, keep

valuables out of car. 2nd job: Information sharing. One half of criminals we catch is due to

communication with police. Continue to call with anything that looks suspicious.






  1. John Tallman, Partner, Westpark Communities

Placer Ranch Specific Plan

Westpark Communities is the developer for Placer Ranch, which includes a Sacramento State and

Sierra College Campus. It is in the preliminary stages of planning process. It has been a collaborative partnership with the City of Roseville, and there was a 5-0 vote by Roseville City Council to start the review the planning process.

Environmental impact reports will be done over the next year. They are proposing access at

Highway 65/Sunset, 4-lane road through Woodcreek Oaks Boulevard and access through Fiddyment.

Also proposing a Placer Expressway completed and running through Sutter County for access. This plan includes retail, commercial, and residential use.


  1. Robert Dugan, Interim Director Of Governmental And Civic Affairs, Sacramento State University

Sacramento State University-Placer Ranch Partnership

Mr. Dugan presented some history and background of Sacramento State, including attendance

447,000 students on 23 campuses. Important stats: 70% of graduates, stay, live and work in the Sacramento region. Projecting 5,000 students will be served through Sac State and Sierra College Placer Ranch campuses. 200 Sacramento State staff and faculty currently reside in Placer County. It keeps more income in the county. Land for the university was purchased by Westpark

Communities. Other topics discussed, and concluded with handing floor back to John Tallman,

Westpark Communities.


  1. John Tallman, Westpark Communities

Concluding Comments on Placer Ranch

Next Steps:

  1. Begin Environmental Impact Report
  2. Continue collaborative partnership and process with Roseville City, Placer County, Sacramento
  3. State University
  4. Community Outreach. They are at beginning state, and will keep residents and community affected informed, possibly coming to speak to BONA again and provide updates.

More information can be found on websites for Westpark and on Facebook. Can email Facebook: Ranch.



  1. Jana Cervantes, Sr. Engineer, Roseville Public Works

Traffic Presentation for BONA Areas of Concern

Stated that they are aware of traffic issues at Opal and Crocker Ranch Road from visitors at Mel

Hamel Park. Visitors are parking on surrounding neighborhood streets impacting residents on those streets. Planning to provide potential solution by narrowing of Opal Way to one lane and providing parking on Opal, so parking will not spill into neighboring streets.

Known trouble spot is Woodcreek Oaks Blvd/Parkside Intersection near new park. No parking

available. May consider a resolution similar to Mel Hamel Park. They will be doing study in the

next couple of weeks to determine traffic patterns and busiest times. Also Woodcreek is too wide of a street for kids to cross. Will be looking at other options including sign like yield to pedestrians, flashing beacons, or adding special pedestrian refuge islands. Other traffic information shared.



  1. Scott Alvord, RCONA Member At Large

Announcement of voting results for BONA Board

Results of the vote for BONA Board Election:

President, David Larson

Vice-President, Erich Brashears

Treasurer, Sunny Bassi

Secretary, Andria Black

Member at Large, John McEldowney

Member at Large, Doug Kim


  1. David Larson

Closing of Meeting

Thanked guests, guest speakers, and closed meeting

The next meeting will be held next quarter. Date and location TBD

Meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM by David Larson